An idle battler strategy game where you can rig the dice to help your gladiator to succeed in the arena.  Each opponent is scouted before the match starts and since both gladiators will use the same dice to roll for attacks and blocks, you can buy the right items and rig the dice in your favour!

Made in 48 hours for the GMTK jam 2022.


Mute audio options not working in web build.

Rounds may go on for a while if the dice are too similar, there is a stalemate function but unfortunately it breaks the game so if rounds go on for too long (10+) I would advise just restarting the game. This is something I would like to improve eventually to prevent this from happening.

Death and Axes Kevin MacLeod (

Ancient Rite Kevin MacLeod (

Mystery Bazaar Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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I had a lot of fun with this, really cool idea! :)

Very Clever Idea. Nice!